1. Not Working the most Active Market.
Make the job easier and more profitable by selling what buyers are buying. So what is the hot market where people are buying?

Foreclosures were 46% of all homes sold in the Q1, 2009, and are up 81% from the previous year. This has lead to record profits for Real Estate Professionals that specialize in this market. In addition to pure volume it is because foreclosures pay double commissions to the selling agent.

Solution: Sell what the market is buying and the market is buying foreclosures in record numbers.

2. Not Working the Right Leads.
The right leads are buyers that are actively looking into today’s marketplace; first time homebuyers.

First time homebuyers are unencumbered by existing houses that are not selling. In addition to not having their downpayment funds tied up, they are also eligible for the $8,000 tax incentives. First time homebuyers also still qualify for Zero Money Down government foreclosures.

Solution: Target marketing efforts at the BEST clients, and use what is most appealing to them; saving money on their home purchase by buying a foreclosure.

3. Working Right Leads Wrong.
Once you connect with a potential buyer the last thing you want to do is push them away. Today’s homebuyers want to be treated as the informed self-service shoppers that they are. Trying to squeeze today’s homebuyer into a box designed for yesterday’s homebuyer is counter-productive. Offer support and guidance, but don’t try to control them. They are likely to avoid being sold, and gravitate toward helpful assistance.

Google reported earlier this year that 80% of homebuyers shop online prior to contacting a Real Estate Professional. This means that if you are training your buyers more effectively you can sell more houses by allowing buyers to be self-serving, but looking to you for guidance. Also because they are likely to be contacted by multiple professionals, and be bombarded by useless emails, never hesitate to make an initial phone call as quickly as possible.

Solution: Train your buyers to gather information on their own, however, tie them to you by offering them answers their questions. This will keep them coming to you when they have questions, and when they are ready to move forward with a purchase.

4. Forgetting to Treat Your Business as a Business
Real Estate Professionals often need to be reminded they are in business with all the problems and challenges of Fortune 500 businesses; they are just going it alone. You are the product, with your time as inventory. You are the advertising, finance, and business development departments all rolled into one. On top of all of that you are also the sales department. Get organized and streamline what you can.

A good CRM (Client Relationship Management) program is imperative to success and when used successfully will allow you to effectively manage more clients in less time. Also, remember big businesses reduce everything else before the advertising budget. When your competitors are retracting, that is your chance to win more business.

Solution: Take time to step back and find ways to: streamline what you are doing, maximize your time, and increase the effectiveness of your marketing.

5. Not Getting a Coach
What do Michael Jordan, Brett Favre and Steve Jobs all have in common? They all use a coach to gain insight into how they are doing, and to improve. Coaches can be found in your office, your family, or even online. A coach ensures you have someone who has the freedom to offer constructive criticism without fear of damaging the relationship by telling you what you need to hear.

An ideal Coach should be detached in order to remain objective. They don’t need to be perfect, because no one is. They just need to be someone you respect and trust professionally. Also remember they are most effective when given the latitude to offer their input, without constantly defending it.

Solution: Look for someone you trust professionally, even if they are not in your profession. Just talking about ways to magnify your efforts will have a tremendous impact on your business.

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Client Testimonials

I have been on line with USHUD, HUDEX and ALLHUD for the last month and a half. I have received over 50 buyer contacts and currently have 3 under contract to close...
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John S., MD
Since I have become an exclusive real estate agent on USHUD, my sales have increased because of the contacts generated by my representation...
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Shara E., CO
...I have been a client of this company for two years and the results have been fantastic. It has increased my new buyer clients by 30%...
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Kimberly C., IN

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Real Estate Facts

  • 55% of Americans would buy a foreclosed home if available.
  • Foreclosures are up by 81% from the previous year.
  • Record profits for REO Professionals in 2009.

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HUD Foreclosures
Free Foreclosure Listings
Foreclosure Listings Increasing

HUD Foreclosures

HUD foreclosures and VA Foreclosures are some of the best homes to buy when price is part of the equation. As with most Americans, price is always a concern. If not buying the same house for less, why not buy more house for the same dollar invested? When looking for a good deal it is hard to do better than the VA or HUD foreclosures market. The simple truth is that there are just more VA and HUD homes on the market, as they represent such a large number of mortgages that are generated each year. This translates into more foreclosures just by the magnitude of difference between all others comparing to the two largest. The two largest also being government owned and operated means that they have less time to wait to make money back on the home. The FHA is especially known for selling HUD homes for less than the average sales price in a given area. FHA foreclosures represent a fraction of HUD but they are still a significant number of homes and both should be considered. VA (Veterans Administration) and HUD (Housing and Urban Development) have different and unique opportunities for the buyer. Both are often forgiven for the local taxes normally associated with the purchase of a home (this is on a county by county basis). Be sure to ask the local title company or escrow company to look into it for you before closing as this is often missed due to their are not used to dealing with the 2 to 3 percent of the market that VA and HUD foreclosures represent.

Free Foreclosure Listings

USHUD.com is a website that simplifies the process of finding foreclosures and HUD properties. Everyone thinks they are a real estate web surfing pro until they search for foreclosure homes and stumble upon a numerous sites that want to charge a fee to see their listings. With USHUD.com that’s not the case. When searching for HUD properties or a home finding website for foreclosure it is important to know what you are looking for. It is important to use a niche company that specializes in foreclosures like USHUD.com. We have put together 2 tools that have made the real estate search process of our website much easier to navigate. The Homesearch online tool is filled with foreclosure lists and free listings of hud homes for sale. Most of our users start with a broad search with the homesearch online tool to see the most HUD properties and foreclosure lists in your area and narrow their search down with the Homefinder online tool. The homefinder online tool is a custom filter system that we breakdown the area based upon filters such as convention and foreclosure listings. This give you the option to filter out conventional listings and focus on just the foreclosures in the market. We thank you for making us Americas top home finding website for foreclosure and Hud properties. Free listings of hud homes for sale are hard to come by but should always be free and that’s the way things are going to stay on our website.

Foreclosure Listings Increasing

As the market settled after the mortgage meltdown foreclosure listings also settled and fewer homes were on the market with a placard reading “Bank Foreclosure” in big red lettering. This was a good thing for the entire real estate market. Having an abundance of foreclosures brings the entire market down and it makes it harder for home owners, who would like to move, to get the appropriate price for their home as a similar home down the same street was sold for substantially less and the appraiser is using the foreclosure as a comparable sale. This is just one of the problems when there are too many foreclosure listings in any area. Another issue is the television set that sits in everyone’s living room harping about the price of homes based on the number of foreclosures and this constant barrage of negative information makes most people sit on the sidelines waiting for the market to either implode completely or to correct itself. Meanwhile while they wait, others are buying foreclosure listings and making great investments. Whatever the reason, a market can only handle so many foreclosure listings at any given time. The more foreclosures, the lower the market gets and this is a lesson the banks that were foreclosing and selling off realized too late. The market and their investments would have been better off if there had not been a rush to divest themselves of the toxic assets made more toxic by their own actions.