The mountains are calling and I must go. Take in and take on the peace and beauty of over 750 acres in 6 different tax tickets of Virginias western mountains. Leave the stress of your day or week behind and drop it on the pristine drive to this storied property. Soak in the beauty and wonder of diverse and abundant wildlife. You will be attuned to the visitors and inhabitants because there is no noise. Whitetail deer, black bear, eastern gray squirrels, fox squirrels, Eastern wild turkey, and ruffled grouse share this space with you. You will be delighted to be more attuned to nature in this place of clear birdsongs, bees buzzing and the wind moving the trees. At night behold the stars so bright as there is no ambient light. Summer fire flies light up the yard, fall leaves surround you with a color palette of beauty, winter snow brings a beauty all its own here as you cozy up to the wood burning fireplace in a cabin that has seen many winters and watch it all come to life again as spring brings forth new life and growth in the mountains.