Beautiful secluded property with trees that provide privacy for your country home you build. Part is already open ready to select build site. Able to build any size, any type of home but restrictions have NO mobile home, manufactured home, manufactured housing, motor home or house trailer on property. No lot may be subdivided. Restrictions does not mention animals, so should be able to have. Restrictions state each owner must keep the lot, all landscaping, the residence, and all structures in a neat, well maintained and attractive condition. Build your country home or barndominium that suits you! At the backside joins Rails to Trails so can walk, jog, ride your horse to enjoy more outdoor activities. Would need to check to see if utilities could be brought in, if not would be off grid living. Located in Red River County just outside town of Bagwell. Located about 12 miles from Clarksville, 20 miles from Paris, about 1 and half hours to Dallas metro areas. Come take a look!