If you are looking for natures place with rolling hills, wooded draw, artistic granite outcrops, and a small spring, this is the place of your dreams. It is covered with climax grasses. That is the official term for original grasses that existed when the buffalo roamed. There are very few places left in Texas that meet that parameter. It is in the Llano Uplift and has incredible views this area has that is unmatched any where else in the hill country It is located far enough off the highway to give you the sound of silence, and far enough from towns to show you the stars in the heavens. I have ranched on land from Llano, to Ft McKavitt, to Junction, to Brady. This stands alone as natures most perfect spot. And with that comes the deer, coons,squirls, quail,and rabbits which you will see more of with a feeder. It is now hooked up to electricity and a electric water pump will be put in under the classic windmill.