****ATTENTION!! -- 64+/- ACRES! -- JEDBURG RD & I-26 CORRIDOR! **** OVER 1000 FT FRONTAGE!! -- PRICED BELOW ALL THE RECENT SURROUNDING PROPERTY SALES!!! (SEE PICTURES!!) -- THIS AREA IS EXPLODING WITH NEW DEVELOPMENT, AND THIS IS ONE OF THE LAST LARGE TRACTS AVAILABLE!! -- CURRENTLY ZONED FLEX-1 (BERKELEY COUNTY) *** CLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Shopping, restaurants, Cane Bay, New Roper Hospital, Carnes Crossroads, Nexton, Volvo, and 30 min. from Downtown Charleston! - **SURVEY AND WETLANDS STUDY available IN DOCUMENTS! *(Home on property will be moved, prior to closing)****PLEASE NOTE! - Seller says the county will NOT allow Residential development, they want Industrial/commercial - ALL the information we have been able to obtain from the sellers, and any/all third-party organizations, including but not limited to city/county and other entities, has been posted to this MLS (under "Documents"). If you do not see the item in question, it is because we do NOT have them. -- Unless specifically noted, these items in question, will be the buyer's responsibility, either during the DD period or post-closing. Thank you.