**ATTENTION!!** - OVER 7.5 ACRES!! - CENTER OF THE INDUSTRIAL AREA! ---- Next to and Literally a stones-throw from the WAL-MART INDUSTRIAL CAMPUS!! ---- 5 Minutes from the VOLVO CAR PLANT & I-26!!! -- KEY WEST BOAT FACTORY just behind property! ---- Not to mention over 50 NEW HOMES in the TIMOTHY LAKES SUBDIVISION just around the corner!! ----- Currently zoned AR (Agricultural) Dorchester County, Mobile home and other structures on property can be removed. -- MUST ALERT LA PRIOR TO SHOWING (Please do NOT enter mobile home) (See More...)****PLEASE NOTE! - No studies have been done - ALL the information we have been able to obtain from the sellers, and any/all third-party organizations, including but not limited to city/county and other entities, has been posted to this MLS (under "Documents"). If you do not see the item in question (Plat, Survey, Wetlands JD's, Elevation Cert, Etc., it is because we do NOT have them. -- Unless specifically noted, these items in question, will be the buyer's responsibility, either during the DD period or post-closing. Thank you.