1.95+- acres with Commercial/Industrial development potential near the corner of Virlilia Road and Highway 22 in Canton, MS. Located within close proximity to the Madison County Mega-site! It is no secret that this entire area is exploding in growth, jobs, new construction, appreciating property values, and more. I am told that preliminary plans are underway with intent to widen Virlilia Road, in the near future. I am also told preliminary plans to are also underway to construct a new traffic light at the intersection of Virlilia road, and Hwy 22! This property is destined to become a key highlight of this major intersection. Other major road plans are also a topic of discussion and consideration along this area of Virlilia road, as well. This is a great investment. Confirmation of the area's future plans, potential uses of this property, and any other concerns are subject to buyer's due diligence. Boundary lines drawn on photos are for reference use only, not to be interpreted as a survey.