This property is unique in so many ways. It is set up to run a business from your home, so if you are looking to start your own machine shop, auto body, online sales with warehouse space, storage, landscaping business, wood shop, cabinet shop, boutique, clothing store, roasting coffee grounds or just plain in need of garage storage, this property will work! This property has been progressively built since 1997, house moved on, first shop built in 1997, next addition in 2002, another addition in 2012. The shop is partitioned for efficiency and ability to separate jobs or tasks and it is conveniently located off a main tar road, not far from the freeway, ideal for shipping and receiving and is part of the city of West Union. Need a quick bite to eat, want to socialize a bit, this property has lots of cool amenities and nuisances that are hard to find anywhere. Let your creative juices flow, think of moving your business here, start a business or build a home and have a 7 stall garage/shop for all the tinkering, toys and storage you could ever need. Live in rural Minnesota on some acreage with cool small town conveniences.