Check out the new Sportsmans Storage Development that is located in Merrifield at the site of the old Sportsman Store on County Road 3.
Lot size is 48’ x 64’. All building widths to be 48’ and built to the front lot line facing the access drive. Minimum building size 48’ x 48’. Maximum building size 48’ x 64’. Required structure colors - see covenants. Sidewall height - 16’. Overhead door height - 14’ - 18' (width and number of overhead doors are owner's choice). Service door detail - see covenants. Windows - owner’s choice. The burnished brown with black trim is the required color. All units will match the color. The two 18’ doors are only an option, not required. Exterior lighting – all lighting to be downward. The apron is required to be a minimum of 4’ into the common area to a maximum of 18' so as not to obstruct the driveway. Outside storage – prohibited. Interior finish - owner's choice.
Lots will be build-ready. Sportsmans Storage is conveniently close to Pelican Lake, Horseshoe Lake and other lakes in the Merrifield area.