1.75 cleared acres zoned commercial. The address of 45252 Happyland Rd was assigned after
Commercial Outparcel C had an approved Perc. St. Mary’s County zoning is Rural Commercial Limited
(RCL). Find information on uses of an RCL lot online at St. Mary's County comprehensive zoning ordinance. Excerpt from ordinance (RCL Jul 24, 2007... By the enactment of County Commissioners Ordinance No. Z10-02, this. Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and its accompanying Official Zoning... 45 31.3. Purpose of the Rural Commercial Limited District (RCL). The regulations for the Rural Commercial Limited District accommodate existing, small-scale commercial uses serving localized markets in the County that are scattered along the highways and, in some cases, clustered at intersections... Where such existing uses are compatible in scale with the character of the rural area, and are devoted to a local market, their continued operation and opportunity for reasonable
expansion… St. Mary’s County Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Article 3.ZONING DISTRICTS is
consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. RCL districts provide for the continuation and
limited expansion of such uses... The regulations for the Rural Commercial Limited District accommodate
existing, small-scale commercial uses serving localized markets in the County that are scattered along
the highways and, in some cases, clustered at intersections. Where such existing uses are compatible in
scale with the character of the rural area, and are devoted to a local market, their continued operation
and opportunity for reasonable expansion is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan...
RCL districts provide for the continuation and limited expansion of such uses... A detached structure
containing a single dwelling unit. Dwelling may be either a site built structure meeting the St. Mary’s
County Building Code or a modular structure for residential occupancy, conforming to the requirements
of the Maryland Industrialized Building Act. Note: Mobile homes are regulated.