OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS FOR RARE BM-IM ZONED PROPERTY!! GREAT flat site just outside a recently completed and still Growing townhome community of hundreds of homes... HAVE IMMIDIATE ACCESS TO HUNDREDS OF POTENTIAL CLIENTS + EYES IN ADJACENT NEWLY BUILD RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY!! ASK ABOUT OWNER FINANCING & POTENTIAL OF ADDITIONAL 3.8 ACRES!!!! SEE PHOTOS FOR POTENTIAL USES ... The property is zoned BM-IM with small slivers of DR1 and OT along a couple of property lines... Road access off dogwood through a deed right of way... reach out to inquire about public water and sewer hook ups ... FOLLOW GPS TO 7321 Dogwood Rd, Baltimore, MD 21244... FOLLOW GRAVEL / DIRT DRIVE BACK TO LOT... CONTACT BALTIMORE COUNTY TO CONFIRM ANY & ALL QUESTIONS