Well established small business. 38yrs serving the community of Richland, GA. Sale includes all equipment, furniture, supplies, recipes, everything the new owner should need to continue growing this small business. The general flow of patrons consists of locals, travelers, hunters, and anyone looking for good food in a small town setting. The business has shown profit over the last several years even through covid-19, this all with out accepting credit cards or offering delivery serves. Imagine the untapped market there, with over 1,200 residents within a 5 mile radios! The pizza place is located within walking distance of the Richland Rum Distillery, convenient to the local charging station and close to local parks and hiking trails. Stop buy an taste test it yourself, from the hand made pizza to fresh burgers and wings. REDS Pizza has become a staple in Richland, lets keep it that way ! Bring me a Buyer