Intriguing, one-of-a-kind, unique, architecturally designed European estate boasting two elegant barns that hosted ''Badre El Zaman'', a beloved Egyptian Arabian award-winning horse that would make any equestrian fall in love. This enchanting villa in the heart of Smithville Church Road in Warner Robins, GA is like no other. The Exquisite stained glass and Italian tile throughout, the gardens, terraces, custom designed kitchen. The elegant, gated pool and fountains is a masterpiece of charm. This estate was designed by the Seller from her extensive travels around the world to make the paradise she created for a lifestyle is elegant, fun and whimsical, exceeding the imagination, this is a rare incredible opportunity. This is perfectly located near I-75 on your way up from Florida in the heart of Georgia near the Warner Robins Air Force Base and Perry Agricultural Center. You Have Been Searching For This Treasure!!